Monday, January 28, 2019

Ancient Egypt January 28 2019

Ancient Egyptians Wore Socks, Arm Warmers and Even Underwear!
A diorama of ancient Egyptians in the Royal Museum of Scotland

They wore socks, arm warmers, loincloths and tunics; they even knew underwear! Fashion in ancient Egypt, like today, was changing. Wool was known, but the dominant fabric was linen. Dr. Aleksandra Hallmann talks about the clothes of ancient Egyptians.

Egyptologists and archaeologists specialising in Egypt do not often talk about the clothes worn by ancient Egyptians. This topic is still poorly researched - scientists have long neglected it and focused on other aspects of this civilization, despite the fact that a lot of fabrics have survived to our times.

Ancient Egyptian Designs Mingle with Scandinavian Minimalism
Wanscher Egyptian Chair Ole Wanscher for Carl Hansen & Son

When it comes to furniture, Egypt is rarely seen as an innovator or cutting-edge producer.

Even in 2019, the 35,000 registered workshops in the Nile Delta city of Damietta are churning out pieces largely based on models from the 19th century — in a style contemporary designers sometimes refer to derisively as “Louis Farouk,” known for its gilded and ornate features.

But a new partnership between the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and two Egyptian furniture manufacturers has brought young Danish design students in contact with producers.

Tomb of Ancient Egyptian Princess Discovered in Unusual Spot

The tomb of an ancient Egyptian princess has been found  south of Cairo hidden in bedrock and surrounded by a court of tombs belonging to 4 high officials.

Dating to 2500 B.C., the structure was built in the second half of the 5th Dynasty, though archaeologists are puzzled as to why this princess was buried in Abusir South among tombs of non-royal officials.

Capturing the Light of the Nile
BRIDGEMAN IMAGES Itier photographed this daguerreotype of Madinat Habu in Luxor in 1845 or 1846. 
“To copy the millions of hieroglyphs that cover even the exterior of the great monuments of Thebes, Memphis, Karnak, and others would require decades of time and legions of draftsmen…. By daguerreotype, one person would suffice.”
—François Arago, January 7, 1839, during his announcement in Paris of the invention of photography by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre

Speaking as an astronomer, physicist, member of parliament and secretary of the Académie des Sciences, François Arago’s words resonated throughout the land. Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt had ignited a national passion for all things pharaonic when, from 1798 to 1801, he brought not only occupying soldiers but also more than 150 savants—scholars, cartographers, artists, naturalists, draftsmen and even a musicologist—who recorded the details of ancient sites and modern customs.

King Tutankhamun’s tomb Reopens After Restoration

THE hallowed tomb of King Tutankhamun has been restored to its ancient glory after 10 painstaking years.

Conservationists have breathed new life into the fabled burial chamber where the young Pharoh's mummified body was laid to rest nearly 3,000 years ago.

The Mummy Ankhefenmut
Exhibit in the Albany Institute of History and Art, Albany, New York, USA. This artwork is in the public domain because the artist died more than 70 years ago. Photography was permitted in the museum without restriction.

A CT scan revealed the identity of this 3,000-year-old mummy that everyone erroneously thought was female.

Ankhefenmut is one of a pair of mummies at the institute whose remains were found at Bab el-Gasus (“Gate of the Priests”) in Egypt, and date to the 21st Dynasty between 1069 and 945 BC. When the mummy arrived at the Albany Institue in 1909, it was fully wrapped (the other was half-wrapped) and was assumed to be a female, due to some unknown seed of misinformation planted decades ago.

Archaeologists Find Ancient Tombs in Nile Delta
 (Egyptian Antiquities Authority via AP) (Associated Press)

Egypt says archaeologists have uncovered ancient tombs dating back to the Second Intermediate Period, 1782-1570 B.C., in the Nile Delta.

The Antiquities Ministry said Wednesday that archaeologists also found 20 burial sites dating back to the Predynastic Period in Kom al-Kholgan archaeological site, about 140 kilometers (87 miles) north of Cairo.

Tomb Secrets: The FBI Cracks the DNA Code on an Ancient Egyptian Mummy
The severed, mummified head was discovered in an Egyptian tomb in 1915.  (Wikimedia Commons)

After other teams of scientists tried fruitlessly to extract DNA from the remains, the FBI made a surprising discovery.

In 1915, a team of US archaeologists excavating the ancient Egyptian necropolis of Deir el-Bersha blasted into a hidden tomb. Inside the cramped limestone chamber, they were greeted by a gruesome sight: a mummy’s severed head perched on a cedar coffin.

Scotland's Answer to 'Indiana Jones' Restores Incredible Ancient Egypt Artefacts at National Museuem

When the ­ancient Egypt ­gallery opens at the National ­Museum of ­Scotland on February 8, it will feel very ­different from the ­exhibitions of the past.

The artefacts on display will be broadly the same. The museum has 7000 pieces from the 4000 years of the Egyptian empire, from ­mummified remains, elaborate coffins and stone tablets to tiny ornaments and pieces of ­jewelry.

It has the only undamaged royal burial group in a museum outside Egypt.

What has changed is the way these relics are displayed and how their stories are told.

Egypt- Remains of Alleged Roman Era's Industrial, Commercial Area Unearthed

Centuries after their deaths, the remains from the Roman era still astonishes people with the details of their lives in Egypt. While we are in the beginning of 2019, the treasures left from the Roman period, begun in 30 BC, still emerge. The ministry of antiquities announced the discovery of several relics dating back to the Roman and Greek era at the Tuba Metwah archaeological site in Al-Amriyah in Alexandria.

Six Tombs Dating Back to The Old Kingdom Uncovered in Aswan

The English Archaeological Mission of the University of Birmingham working on Hawa Dome project in Aswan succeeded in uncovering six tombs of different sizes dating back to the Old Kingdom.

The Head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa Waziry explained that the discovered tombs ranging in dimensions between 190 x285 cm, 352 x 635 cm.

The Lure of Ancient Egypt Is a Way to Revitalise Faded Industrial Towns
An Egyptian wooden face with inlaid eyes, originally part of a coffin. Photograph: Paul Tucker

Museums teach us to dream. Since the Victorian age it’s been Egyptian mummies – matched only by dinosaurs – that have captivated children. Being taken to see the mummies is a rite of passage, and one accessible across the country, not just to those in London who have the British Museum on their doorstep. But local authority culture budgets are being slashed, so how can regional arts institutions survive? What should they do about the pressure to return looted objects? And how do they show their relevance to modern audiences?

Monday, January 21, 2019

Ancient Egypt January 21 2019

The Crafty Historian Bringing Ancient Socks to Life
These socks, made in Egypt in the fourth or fifth century arenow in the Victoria and Albert Museumr. DAVID JACKSON/CC-BY-SA 2.0

SOCKS AND SANDALS. The combo might elicit cruel jabs from footwear snobs today, but people been rocking it since ancient times. In the eighth century B.C., for instance, the Greek poet Hesiod instructed contemporaries to wear piloi, something soft and matted, under their sandals. Sometime around the year 300, a kid was running around near the ancient city of Antinoupolis, in Egypt, with his or her foot stuffed into a striped sock split into two, kind of like mittens for the feet—the big toe in one part, and the four other little piggies in the other. That socked foot was likely strapped into a sandal.

The Treasure Vault of Ancient Egypt

Many of you know or have at least heard of the Louvre in Paris, the British Museum in London or the American Museum of Natural History in New York. I wonder though how many people have heard about the museum which has the largest collection of the artifacts of ancient Egyptian civilisation. I am talking about the Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, popularly known as the Egyptian Museum.

NKU Scientists, Students Using New Technology To Find Out More About How Child Mummy Died

Scientists and students at Northern Kentucky University will get an up-close look at our ancient past and hopefully clear up some mysteries.

On Thursday, NKU's Health Innovation Center will use its newest technology to scan the mummy of a child from ancient Egypt that belongs to the Cincinnati Museum Center.

Scientists hope the new images can give them clues about how the child died.

Damage to Ancient Carving of Egyptian Couple Was Meant to Hurt Them in the Afterlife
The faces and hieroglyphs on this 3,500-year-old carving were destroyed by someone in ancient times. Credit: ©GM - Tell Edfu Project 2018

An intentionally damaged limestone carving found within a 3,500-year-old shrine at Tell Edfu, in southern Egypt, shows what appears to be an ancient couple who someone tried to vanquish in the afterlife.

The carving depicts a man and woman standing beside each other, with hieroglyphic inscriptions giving their names and occupations. "The faces of the couple were [damaged]," and hieroglyphic writing on the carving had been "scratched out," Nadine Moeller, the director of the Tell Edfu Project, told Live Science. "Erasing a private person's name in ancient Egypt is usually a sign of someone wanting to erase the memory of this person and therefore obliterate their existence in the afterlife," explained Moeller, who is also a professor at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute.

Tut Comics

Ancient lands. Endless mystery. One kid just trying to survive Ancient Egypt. Follow to catch a new comic every single day!

Conservation at the Abydos Middle Cemetery
 Abydos Temple Credit: ©Michalea Moore

Happy New Year! My January has gotten off to a good start, because I spent most of December working at the beautiful site of Abydos, Egypt. Abydos is an ancient Egyptian royal cemetery site, and the Kelsey has a field research project there, directed by museum curator Janet Richards. We have a number of special conservation projects at Abydos, and the one I’m most closely involved with focuses on preservation of painted wood artifacts at the site.

Upper Egypt's Dendera Temple to be converted into open-air museum

In collaboration with a French archaeological mission, Egypt’s Ministry of Antiquities is developing the area around the Dendera Temple complex near Luxor into an open-air museum.

Roman tombs discovered in Egypt's Dakhla Oasis

Two Roman tombs have been uncovered during excavation work at Beer El-Shaghala site in Mut village in Dakhla Oasis.

The walls of the two uncompleted tombs are painted in bright colours with religious scenes.

Philip Glass's Akhnaten 

Akhnaten is a mesmerising work whose text draws on ancient hymns, prayers and inscriptions sung in their original Egyptian, Hebrew and Akkadian. The opera’s unique mood will transport you to the ancient world through music that combines Glass’s characteristic minimalist voice with stylised movement and choreographed juggling to visualise the rhythms of his score.

Note: This site contains a production video and gallery.

Tomb of Antony and Cleopatra to be Uncovered Soon
Courtesy of Wikipedia: Taporsiris Magna- Egypt; taken by Ehab Samy

“The long-lost tomb of Antony and Cleopatra will be eventually uncovered. The burial site has been finally estimated to be in the region of Taposiris Magna, 30 kilometersaway from Alexandria,” Egyptian archaeologist ZahiHawass said in a statement during Palermo Conference.

Hieroglyphic inscriptions discovered in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian archaeologists discovered a hieroglyphic inscription illustrating the signature of King Ramses III, one of the kings of Pharaonic Egypt.

Al-Arabiya channel broadcasted the discovery of the inscriptions in Tayma in Northern Saudi Arabia,one of the largest archaeological sites in the kingdom and the Arabian Peninsula.

Today in History: Pyramid Restorers Ditch Modern Tech For Ancient Restoration Methods

The Djoser Pyramid, Egypt's oldest pyramid, has been undergoing restoration for years. Image: So Hing-Keung/ Corbis, retrieved from Smithsonian Magazine.

On this day in 1984, an international panel overseeing the restoration of the Great Pyramids in Egypt overcomes years of frustration when it abandons modern construction techniques in favour of the method employed by the ancient Egyptians.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Ancient Egypt January 14 2019

The Radical Philosophy of Egypt: Forget God and Family, Write!

New research indicates that Plato and Aristotle were right: Philosophy and the term “love of wisdom” hail from Egypt.

A remarkable example of classical Egyptian philosophy is found in a 3,200-year-old text named “The Immortality of Writers.” This skeptical, rationalistic, and revolutionary manuscript was discovered during excavations in the 1920s, in the ancient scribal village of Deir El-Medina, across the Nile from Luxor, some 400 miles up the river from Cairo. Fittingly, this intellectual village was originally known as Set Maat: “Place of Truth.”

A Madrid Mummy Is Found To Be a Pharaoh’s Eye Doctor
Tomography of Nespamedu’s mummy.

In the middle of the night on June 6, 2016, an enormous refrigerated trailer with a two-vehicle escort parked in front of the Emergency Unit at Quirónsalud University Hospital in Pozuelo, outside Madrid. An extensive team of doctors was waiting there to examine the four bodies traveling within – three Egyptians and a male from the Canary Islands.

Even the Ancient Egyptians Had Homework, Preserved Tablet Shows
A schoolchild's homework in Greek was written on a wax tablet nearly 2,000 years ago. Credit: Copyright British Library Board

Homework written by a school kid in ancient Egypt has been preserved since the second century A.D. And the words on the slab may sound familiar to any kid whose parents worry about them falling in with a bad crowd.

Meet Cleo – the AI Egyptology Research Platform

Digital technology continues to make a foray into the world of Egyptology with scholars becoming more and more willing to adopt new technologies in the classroom. The Nile Scribes previously explored some great digital tools for use in the classroom. Since then we discovered a new platform launched this year that helps with researching the vast repertoire of Egyptian material culture: Cleo. For this week’s blog we spoke with Heleen Wilbrink, the creator behind Cleo, about the possibilities of using this new Artificial Intelligence (AI) research platform to study Egyptian material culture.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Ancient Egypt Jan 7 2019

Oriental Institute excavation at Tell Edfu reveals early New Kingdom complex

Bust of a female ancestor found on the floor of the domestic sanctuary. She wears a long tripartite wig and a broad necklace called a wesekh collar. ©GM - Tell Edfu Project 2018

Excavation work led by the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute team has unearthed a large urban villa dating back to the early New Kingdom, about 1500-1450 B.C.E. The findings at the site of Tell Edfu in southern Egypt include a large hall containing a rare and well-preserved example of a domestic shrine dedicated to family ancestors.

Egypt: Masterpieces of the Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum
Statuette of Thoth facing Maat, bronze

The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Antiquities Museum (BAAM) in Alexandria opened in 2002, and it is probably the only museum in the world built in a library. It houses antiquities found in situ during the construction of the Library of Alexandria.

Having roughly 1,000 to 1,200 pieces, it displays the enormous diversity of Egyptian cultural heritage through the ages. Walking among its treasures means going on a journey through five millennia.

“Dynasty”: When The Pharaohs Of Ancient Egypt Meet Abstract Art
“Anubis X”: from Hassouna’s “Dynasty”

When Ancient Egypt comes to mind, one cannot help but imagine a place of history and culture. A mental image of the bountiful river Nile nourishing an endless desert, allowing our ancestors to flourish in an almost unbearable environment, is formed.

It is a majestic place of magnificent architecture with proud people. Such an adamant portrait of Pharaonic Egypt is always present in our subconscious, unchanging as Ancient Egypt itself. Now, what Egyptian Artist Ehab Hassouna has done to it is revolutionary, to say the least.

This 2,300-Year-Old Egyptian Fortress Had an Unusual Task: Guarding a Port That Sent Elephants to War
A fragment of the northern defense wall, part of the fortress discovered at Berenike along the Red Sea. Credit: S.E. Sidebotham

A 2,300-year-old fortress that protected an ancient port called "Berenike" has been discovered in Egypt on the coast of the Red Sea by a Polish-American archaeological team.

Constructed at a time when Egypt was ruled by the Ptolemies, a dynasty of pharaohs descended from one of Alexander the Great's generals, the fortifications are sizable.

London was once home to an ancient Roman temple dedicated to the goddess Isis
Graffiti on a 1st-century flagon reveals the existence of a temple of Isis. Credit : Markus Milligan

Evidence for a temple dedicated to the goddess Isis was revealed by graffiti on a 1st century flagon unearthed in Tooley Street, Southwark which read “LONDINI AD FANVM ISIDIS” – translated as “To London at the temple of Isis”.

Walk like an Egyptian: Chanel sends models down the runway in Egypt-inspired looks

Models hit the runway in Ancient Egypt-inspired looks as Chanel designer Karl Lagerfeld took his traveling fashion show to New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art last week. Here are six looks from the show we loved.


In the northern Dakahlia governorate, a US excavation mission has dug up an ancient Pharaonic settlement which is being dubbed history's oldest village. The head of the mission, Jay Sleifer Stein, announced the news on Wednesday, in attendance of Dakahlia's Governor Kamal Sharobim and Dean of Tourism Faculty at Mansoura University Dr. Amina Shalaby.

After delays, Egypt’s new mega-museum set to open in 2020

On the Giza Plateau outside Cairo, thousands of Egyptians are laboring in the shadow of the pyramids to erect a monument worthy of the pharaohs.

The Grand Egyptian Museum has been under construction for well over a decade and is intended to showcase Egypt's ancient treasures while drawing tourists to help fund its future development. But the project has been subject to repeated delays, with a "soft opening" planned for next year scrapped in favor of a more triumphant inauguration in 2020. Costs have meanwhile soared from an initial $650 million to well over $1 billion, with most of the financing coming from Japan.

Ancient Egypt holds priceless treasures yet to be discovered

In recent months, archaeologists in Egypt have made spectacular discoveries. And there is much more yet to unearth, but urban sprawl and construction threaten cultural heritage, says German Egyptologist Dietrich Raue.

Be sure to check out the Reading ancient Egyptian video in this article.

Egyptian heritage: Astonishing discoveries in 2018

This year has seen a wealth of new archaeological discoveries and the opening or re-opening of many attractions and facilities, among the most compelling being the discovery of a gilded mummy mask at Saqqara that was chosen as one of the top 10 discoveries of 2018.

Picture of the Week

Cup of the Ptolemies, maybe from Alexandria, Egypt, 3rd to 1st c. BC. Onyx cameo cup. Eventually, it found its way into the treasury of the French kingdom. In 1804, the cup was stolen, and the mounts lost. The cup itself was recovered and is now in the  Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris.